Our Growing Family

Our Growing Family

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

First Day of School!

Nathan started school this week and he is absolutely loving it. He does arts and crafts projects each day. This week is bug week and he painted a rock to look like a bug. Its the cutest thing! Today was Wacky Water Wednesday. He wore his bathing suit and got to splash around in a tiny pool. He is charming the little girls and the teachers. I am so proud of him already. I just love him to pieces.
This is his teacher, Miss Cheryl. She is the nicest, sweetest lady and already adores Nathan.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

5 Months Old

Nathan just turned 5 months and he is growing bigger and stronger each day. He loves playing on all of his toys, especially his jumper. We even had to raise the height of the jumper because he is growing so fast. Nathan starts school tomorrow so I'll be back on tomorrow to let everyone know how it goes. Here are some recent pictures of him.

Here he is on the jumper.

We pose him on the sofa every month. This is his 5 month shot.

Nathan participated in his first 5k and he even finished with a medal!

Mommy stealing some late night kisses!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Take Me Out To The Ballgame!

Last night we went to Nathan's first baseball game with our friends Steve and Caitlin. We went to see the Camden Riversharks. The speakers were very loud and that made Nathan cry for the whole first inning until he got used to it.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Our Baby Can Eat

Peas, carrots, and green beans have been on the menu at our house for the last week. Nathan can't get enough of his veggies.

Mommy is also back to work so we've had a lot of family visiting to help us take care of Nathan. Being back at work is rough, but we are looking forward to finally getting in our routine and having Nathan start school.