Our Growing Family

Our Growing Family

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fall Festival

Our neighborhood hosts a yearly fall festival. Normally, the children parade through the neighborhood with their costumes on and then there are snacks at the park. This year it was raining so it was held at the elementary school. Nathan loved dressing up in his costume. Here are a few photos from the day.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Our 8 Month Old is Wild and Crazy!!

Nathan's activity can be summed up as wild and crazy. He is all over the place, all the time. He is still doing very well at school and is getting ready for his big Halloween parade next week. Randy and I are more and more enamored with him each day.

Check out our latest video of our little "pumpkin".

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Fall is Here...

This post is for my dear Aunt Donna who is an avid follower of our blog. We are so happy to know that someone is actually reading about what we are doing!!!

I can't believe that it has been almost a month since I blogged. What have we been up to and where has the time gone?

Guess what our little guy has started doing on his own? I'll give you one guess...

We took Nathan to his first pumpkin patch. We looked like a bunch of tourists running around a field with our camera. I think we enjoyed it more than Nathan did.

I'll try to post more often. With the holidays coming - there should be plenty to talk about.