Our Growing Family

Our Growing Family

Monday, August 20, 2012

Old Toys Are New Again

I pulled this old toy out. Ryan loves it and so does Nathan (again!).

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Crazy, Busy Summer

When I last blogged, we were getting ready for our trip to Texas and San Diego.  We had a phenomenal time seeing all the family in Texas.  Introducing Ryan to Nannie for the first time was very special to me.  And meeting baby Hannah was a delight.  She will be grown before we know it.  As I always do with our vacation photos, I've created a slideshow on the right hand side of the page where you can view them all.

So - on to some recent activity.  Ryan started walking (just a few steps here and there) at the end of June but now he is doing a lot more.  Here is a video we captured this week of his achievement.

Ryan also learned something new at school...clapping.  We've had so much fun getting him to clap on cue.  Check it out.

Nathan has been obsessed with the song "Call Me Maybe."  And I finally got him singing it on video.  Love it!

We are preparing for Ryan's 1st birthday party in early September.  I can't believe it's already been a year...where did the time go?  The theme is Rubber Ducks.  Cutest kid ever?????

We actually went to the Jersey Shore for the first time last weekend (I know, we've live here for how many years and never went to the shore).  The boys loved the bicycle we rented.
Here are just some other random pictures of the boys.  Ryan is organizing the juice boxes on the floor...just like Nathan did a few years ago.
 This is how we spend our Sunday morning.  I love watching them play together.