Our Growing Family

Our Growing Family

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Bruiser in the Springtime

The last few weeks have been a lot of fun for us. Nathan finally recovered from his Coxsackie virus after missing 2 days of school. Now, he loves running around the yard and pushing the bubble mower he received for his birthday. He pushes anything he can get his hands on including a broom and an adult size golf club. He is also learning some new words. His vocabulary now includes book, car, and gorilla. Yeah, that's right. He says ga-lil-a. Of course he gets shy around strangers and rarely shows off, but he says it nonstop at home. Here are a couple recents pictures of our amazing growing boy.

We've been calling him Bruiser this week since he had a run-in with a table at school. He has had a shiner for the last 4 days. He's totally cute no matter what...

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