Our Growing Family

Our Growing Family

Thursday, October 24, 2013

My Soccer Maniacs!

Ryan and Nathan are both soccer superstars this season.  Ryan just finished his first season of Little Kicks and Nathan is in the middle of his first real season with the township league.

Ryan's soccer practices are a little free form.  We tried to focus on getting him to kick the ball with his feet instead of throwing it with his hands.

We aren't sure what this teaches...but we went along with it.

Here is Ryan receiving a patch at the end of class.  He liked that part of it.

Now on to our pro player.  We aren't sure where Nathan got his soccer skills, but he sure has taken an interest in soccer.  That kid behind him doesn't even have a chance!

Here is Nathan practicing his drills.  

Look at that kick!!!  And yes, that is a ref in the background.  The ref checks their equipment to make sure it's legal.  We are waiting for the doping test!

And Nathan just isn't an killer offensive player.  He also has a great defensive game.  Such focus!

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